Hey. I was told that the candles only work for three months and then the spell stops working. I don't know if that's true or not because I think that everyone's circumstances are different.
What I'm curious about, is if the candle doesn't show any movement and the three months are up, can that mean that the spell could work later and it just wasn't the right time/circumstance?
Do these candles also work in divine timing?
Does anyone know?
There's no shelf life on the candles. Some of us have been holding onto certain candles for years (both partially used and completely untouched). But if you haven't seen movement, evaluate what work you've done, see if anything needs tweaking, and continue working on whatever intention you're manifesting. And yes it's fine to just do everything all over again the same if your intuition is telling you to. Sometimes it's a stubborn process.
Also even if you do have progress/movement you still want to follow up with maintenance work, depending on the situation.
The only time I heard Ms. LaLa mention is burn time and 3 days in between candle burn. Candkes have been used a year later and worked. Results are based on a multitude of things which would to much to pu in a post. If someone has blockages, approach may need to be addressed differently. Some people can light one candle and results occur some people ma have to wait for spirit to clear.