So this morning I had a company meeting with the job im trying to get licensed for and the meeting was 2 hours long so I was so over it. Tell me why towards the end I was like about to exit the meeting cuz I had to leave somewhere and something told me not to. Well I’m glad I listened because they were announcing names of ppl that did a good job for the week and the amount of money they made to motivate everyone else. Well tell me why the first person they named was the same name as my ex (target) also same spelling like his name; which is weird because this has been happening everywhere i go not just at work with my ex name (if you’ve been keeping up with my posts you’ll know what I’m talking about). And I heard it from across the room so I came back and I literally said to myself “awe I didn’t see the spelling of it.” right when I finished saying that one of the team leaders was like “go back so we can all admire these great ppl.” Like hyping them up. Mind you these meetings are through Zoom so they couldn’t hear me cuz they had us all 600+ ppl muted. And when they went back I saw that it was the same spelling. I was so happy all day today after that; and then I get home and I decide to go on IG for some odd reason cuz I’m never really on it and then I see this video under miss Lala’s post. I’m supposed to light my next candle tomorrow and it’s not even from the conjure candles yet. I haven’t even received my conjure candles yet tbfh. Lol 😅 I still need to do Mars and then crossroads afterwards but it’s weird how I keep getting signs about me getting my ex back. And what’s even weirder is that my aunt (who does witchcraft) had also told me that I was gonna meet my soulmate soon (this was in 2018 when I was going through a breakup with my first ex) and then 3 months after she told me that I met my ex (target). Coincidence I think not? 😅🥰
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Edited: Mar 21, 2021
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This is awesone!!!