I ordered the court bundle back in February for my now ex. I used it back in April because that was the original court date. Due to the pandemic the court proceedings were delayed but turned out to be divine timing. My ex lost so many friends, had he come home he'd be dead or got more time for taking the case to trial. His attorney was the worst the entire 7 months. Asking for more money after being paid in full, checked out on us for several vacations (during the pandemic)& not communicating important information. Literally a week ago, the lawyer just randomly started doing his job. Yesterday was sentencing. My ex did not get off scott free but it was fair. He will be eligible for probation/parole in with 90 days & he already served 7 months. The judge made a decision that would allow my ex to still have some stability to come home to. The states attorney was pissed. Her recommended sentence was fair but he ruled in favor of the defendant. He apologized to the states attorney several times because he felt its was more harm them help to put my ex in a position to be without resources/have nothing to come home to & likely to commit another crime out of survival. I'm overall grateful & satisfied.
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Congrats & continued blessings to you both.🙏🏽