Has anyone had a break up after this?
Ok so I lit crossroads with Ahari and they both finished on Tuesday night. I’ve lit more than a few candles so far and practice candle safety.
Well crossroads BLEW TF UP y’all. I mean caught fire bad. That flame was almost ceiling high. I’ve had strong burns at the end but nothing like this. And the crazy part is there were NOT even ANY herbs on fire!! so I have no clue what it was burning off of!!!smoke started black then after a day the smoke on both candles was white.
I’ve been in a relationship with a demanding selfish yet still still loving man for years. It’s been draining and emotional but I refuses to walk away bc I knew he loved me even tho he exhausted me.
Well today we broke up. He did something that I just couldn’t overlook… just completely disappointing and made it impossible for me to move forward. Not heartbroken just disappointed and tired… completely turned off.
Anyways I can’t help but have the feeling that the candles removed him as a blockage in my life bc honestly everything has been really good for me and he was the main thing disturbing my peace. We went to be so in love and sweet to me bring completely done
Since the moment I bought the candles there’s been forward movement in my life. Doors have opened with speed that I been trying to walk thru for years.
I was able to get a house, a job promotion that they keep giving me more and more more money… like a crazy salary. And my health has slowly started to recover. I was also approved for a 8000k personal loan which helped me pay down old credit card debt and helped boost my credit.
So maybe my man was a blockage that needed to be removed
He was a hindrance and the candle let you know that a huge blowup was coming. May your path be sweet and peaceful.
I came here to ask if its normal to lose a friend after crossroads and then i see this . Omg
You did the right thing….he needed to go! Look how you’re doing without him! Congratulations 🎊🍾🎉
Definitely sounds like it! i started using the “truth” dragon oil and it made me really see the guy i was with as who he really was and i was completely turned off… he then got aggressive and controlling and thank God i was able to flee me and my child…. Just thank your spirit guides and the source you believe in and elevate 💚
Sounds like it