Hi! I an currently burning crossroads. I’ve had it going all day in my room while
the kids were at school and then after too. They don’t go in my room All afternoon i had read in the booklet about not having kids near the work because they are empathic.
I know this to be true about both of my sons also. 9 and 11. I haven’t mentioned what these candles are either.
when it was time for bed my 9 year old came in my room and said ”what is that candle doing mom It looks like it’s doing something” “ Is grandma coming through there (my mom is passed 5 years ago) or are you getting rid of the spirits or something?”
simply amazing how they can perceive these things.
i also snuffed it out nearly at that point it was perfect timing. I will resume when they’re at school again tomorrow.
thanks for reading. Happy to have a like minded community.
The idea that your kid is aware is awesome. Some folks dont discuss Hoodoo with their kids.