So my target and I have had some bumps in the road to a point now where my target is not as excited about a relationship ash they were before. (No cheating or anything like that ). But my target has had their walls up from past relationship issues I've done healing halo etc before but my target just doesn't trust me to where they want to be more affectionate but then they think about a incident we had ( literally just a misunderstanding) but having the issues from their past relationship makes it harder for them to trust me now. Could I use this candle to help repair OUR. Relationship by getting my target to forgive and be able to move on with trusting me and not hesitating on moving foward ? How would I word my petition to have them not so hesitant and to regain their trust so they can be more affectionate and want to move forward with me ? Any advise would be greatly appreciated. I've searched the forum and most of the listings have to do with the soul tie rituals. So just wondering if anyone had something similar and how they proceeded
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Rekindle, the trust, love, affection and whatever else you want
Would you recommend the healing/halo first or the cord cutting candle to be burned first ?
Powerfully Cut cords and ties with any past romantic partners who are not me.
Yes I think you could use the candle . You chant should be about him cutting the cords with the past hurt and trust issues with all romantic relationships. That’s my suggestion