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What does this mean ?
Most of the smaller candles i use burned that way cause my herbs always caught on fire at the end.
The herbs burned creating soot ... that’s it once the flame is out the spell is cast.
Thank you love ❤️❤️
My halo and healing looked like that, its okay just means the herbs caught fire
If the herbs burned long enough at the end that could be the reason or your target (if other than yourself) may have protection on them
I inbox you
Did they catch on fire at the end? and did you start with a cleanse?
Yes I started with halo healing and the flame just got high it burned out
Most of the smaller candles i use burned that way cause my herbs always caught on fire at the end.
The herbs burned creating soot ... that’s it once the flame is out the spell is cast.
Thank you love ❤️❤️
My halo and healing looked like that, its okay just means the herbs caught fire
If the herbs burned long enough at the end that could be the reason or your target (if other than yourself) may have protection on them
Did they catch on fire at the end? and did you start with a cleanse?