Hey you guys ! Newbie here . So I just recently purchased DA candle and I got the soufflé . I’m a bit of an over thinker and started to get worried that if I use the candle , oil and souffle is that making men attracted to me against their will ? I know it sounds silly but I just started to think like how does this work ? I don’t want to use anything that’ll make someone do something against their will , ya know ? Thanks in advance!
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I believe it depends on what your intentions are when using. It could be that you just become more beautiful/attractive to others. Not saying you never were but they are able to see and feel it now. Your confidence and personality are showing more and it is drawing people in.
Have fun with life and the attention it’s gonna bring 😌😌😌😝
yes but that is what majick does.. it bends free will.. It does not remove the existence of free will.. because they might resist..
don‘t overthink this about any candle and you will be ok