Thank you for your energy and dedication, I was blown away even before by your altruistic soul and business integrity (ie. sending new products because of packing mix up even when I didn't ask for them).
But the Wealth Rite is another level of experience, I didn't know what to expect but definitely didn't expect spirit to move so fast! Yesterday and today I keep seeing number 1717 repeatedly, multiple times and when I checked the meaning it was clear it was spirit message for me as asked in my petition! Thank you Spirit ❤
This morning I kept sobbing, got so emotional out of nowhere, then in afternoon my child had massive nosebleed first time ever, don't know if that's connected to the Rite.
Thank you for all you do, words can't express enough how grateful I am to have been guided by spirit to you.
I wish one day you can come to UK so all of us here can give you a big hug of gratitude as words aren't enough!