I have had a lot of success with Thd Conjure Candles and other spiritual modalities. I am very ritualistic with cleansing and protection. So I use halo healing unhex Mars and the conjure protection candles a few times a year I don’t overdo it, but I cleanse regularly For maybe about two months the energy around me just felt stagnant. No matter how much I cleansed or protect things just were stagnant and wasn’t moving. So I decided to burn deliverance, chanted the prayer on the candle, as well as the Ashtu chant! I did add a few drops of Ether Speed & Omni Spirit! Within a day my energy shifted. I actually feel better now than I did before the stagnation! I don’t know what it was attached to me, where I picked it up from, who gave it to me. I don’t know because most of the time my energy usually flows forward motion but I knew something wasn’t right things were just stagnant for about two months. I couldn’t focus and just did not feel like myself. And it could’ve even just been my own lack of clarity and my own energy that was hindering me. Regardless, Deliverance did what it was designed to do! I have no idea what Ms LaLa did with this candle but on the next sale, I’m loading up. Stock lock & loaded! I need this in my arsenal at all times.
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@GoddessVibez just came across your post. Hope you're doing great! Recently got this candle. Wanted to know what's the correct way to use this candle as I don't want to mess it up. Lala has mentioned the verse on page 72 on the product guide. Also theres the banishment chant. Which one has to be said first? Secondly after speaking my petition, I dismiss by only saying thank you? Or