I have read the new booklet I see that I can Barry my candle in my front yard although that’s actually not a option for me What do you suggest I can do with it it’s been 3 days that it finished !! 💕 please lmk what you suggest? DA/Ahari intense
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The book gives great ideas for disposal. If possible, dispose of it at a river flowing away from you. Since I have a relationship with Yemaya I bury a lot of my work at the beach and provide offerings to her. You can get creative and dispose of it at a place that’s associated with your intention. If there’s a target, you can discreetly bury it in front of their home. If this was a money candle, you could bury it at a bank. I can’t think of a place that would be associated with attracting a lover, but I’m sure there’s something to that if you find something or somewhere that applies to you. There are also times that I leave my work at the crossroads with an offering to the spirits of the crossroads. The simplest would be to dispose of it away from your home.
Throw it away if you can't burry it.