Afternoon!! I have a question. I just finished unhex , halo and added my son in. Now I’m about to start healing for us. He’s 22 going down a wrong road. Can I do domination on him just to help lead him in right direction. I have both mars candles as well conjure and spelled was doing that next. So ready for your addiction candle so I can Petition for him as well. I’m not trying to run his life just need him to listen to my advice He knows everything ! @Audra Dukes
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I needed this for my daughter. My question has been answered
You definitely can. Also call on St Jude he’s the healer of our children. I’ve worked with him. He’s awesome.
You can definitely use domination on him as I’ve done the same for my younger bro to help him leave a toxic relationship and leave his dead end job. I also used healing on him afterwards. If y’all not in good terms I’d use sweetening first then domination.