So last night, I lit my halo candle for myself and my S/O. We both felt lighter, ive noticed a change in his mood.. usually he’s temperamental & impatient, but after the candle lit he was so calm. We were both extremely tired out of nowhere, early on in the night which is unusual being we both are night owls. Anywho, I decided to stop fighting my sleep, because I’m a dreamer, always had communication through my dreams. But last night I had a dream that I woke up and my alter wasn’t the same way it was when I fell asleep. Many items were missing and misplaced from where I left it. I was frantic and panicked. But ended up having to fix it with what was left remaining... Does anyone have an idea of what this could mean 😩 I still have faith in my candles though so idk
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Greetings sis! Dreams can have literal, or symbolic meanings. Some are precognitive. It seems that yours could be symbolic. Your subconscious could be concerned with getting everything right in your conscious physical world. Every little thing in a dream has meaning. Whether it was night or day, cold or hot, words, numbers, emotions. Sit down to think of everything you saw in the dream. Then interpret those symbols. is a pretty good site for dream interpretation.