Last night I dreamt that I was a tractor trailer driver and I was transporting valuable cargo. Along the journey I saw persons that I know who were not happy to see that I was a driver and was entrusted with such a task while they had mediocre jobs. The road was winding but I had no trouble maneuvering the vehicle with great ease. I stopped to rest at the house I grew up in and unloaded the cargo before going inside. When I returned outside to continue my journey I saw that that the tractor trailer was stolen but the precious cargo was still where I had left it. A neighbor who had lived two houses away, who is actually deceased a few years now, came up to me with a woman who she said is prominent in the society. The woman smiled said to me “ I can help. Don’t worry about anything, I’ll make sure you get to where you need to go” Any dream interpreters on here 🤩?
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I mean, it sounds like someone's taking care of you. I'd say it's definitely something! Now spirit has told you to let it go so they can get YOU moving!