How do I use these? The description isn’t still up and I’m seeing mixed feedback in the forum.
These are ETHER OMNI! Do I use the to dress a candle? Use as a body oil? I know all OMNI is to be used alone and doesn’t require a chant or petition. I bought…
Ether Omni | Potent
So many wonder how my spells work so fast and gain such intense results. Why do SO MANY people continue to order 30, 40, 60, 80+ times? Why does her work stand out so much?? Now you don't have to ask because you can now buy my spells in a bottle with Ether. Manifesting on an etheric level is POWERFUL and moves anything it needs to in the physical. It's the only way to explain the difference between Ether and anything else you have witnessed. The Conjure's success is a PHENOMENON that you have witnessed because of the power in my spells. Please enjoy them while you can still get them. They are VERY POTENT AND WORK FAST!
Used to manifest anything, everything, and QUICKLY
They can be used in spellwork, hoodoo, rootwork, mojo bags, jar work, yourself, etc. They can be combined to create spiritual alchemy (spirits are attached to all of them).
THIS OMNI COLLECTION IS NOT FOR PLAY, IT IS STRONG, IT IS REAL AND WILL BE PRESENT!! After creating some of the most powerful Supreme Seals to ever exist. I used the energy from those seals to create Omni. No need to conjure or chant (only if you want to), because Omni energy will do it all for you. There are REAL GODS ATTACHED TO THIS OIL, MANY OF THEM! This energy does not exist anywhere else because I created and attached it myself. No need to combine with any other energy.
Used to bring knowledge, mastery, supreme skills, victory, superiority, and authority in all you pursue.
-Can be used on children.
Directions: Dress candle, or any other items needed in spellwork.