My lovely 3rd and 4th of Venus candles are burning strong and the flames are going CRAZY. Especially 3rd of V. I'm pretty confident I did this correctly since it's two candles that I lit of the same planet. But if anyone sees anything I did incorrectly please feel free to educate me in the comments. 😊😊😊

I love it...for some reason I think that when you use two conjured candles of the same planet that is kinda for the same thing i.e. of Love/Protection the Spirits to into a frenzy mode working on our behalf...
My 3rd pentacle just started going CRAZY too! I was about to put it out because it’s at 6 hrs but it’s going wild.
There’s no problem burning 2 conjured candles of the same planet at the same time. However...did you use 5th Pentacle of Mercury first to open your doors? It’s suggested not necessarily needed for 4th Pentacle of Venus. Happy conjuring.
I don’t think you’re meant to burn different ones at the same time but I’d wait for another opinion