Hi everyone!
I am writing this post because I am in need of help!
I did lend the money to a person I did trust a lot. She did promise me she will give it to me back the whole amount after she is done using it for a service.
Of course she did ask for more and when I refused, then the problem started.
And here I am… I want this b**** to give me back my money. I was told by grandma that next time I have to have everything in writing and she said I am not going to see this money.
However, I know everything is possible that is why I am asking for advice here. What candles and rituals I can use? what spirits I should ask for help? This person is very spiritual so I need I would think something strong.
I would appreciate help and advice. Thank you!
Your welcome @Ania
Tether collect I would use that
This may sound weird in this situation but you may need to cleanse and heal from this before you do any other work. I know for me if I have any ill feelings my work is never successful. Anything done in desperation will not be granted. You have to left the animosity go. It’s getting to you because she said you will never get it back. In the back of your head their must be some doubt and truth you feel from that statement. Cleanse and heal your feelings towards her and the situation and do collect again in a calm and knowing spirit. I hope this helps
Your ancestors are STRONGER don’t doubt that!!!!!
Collect spell candle