I just want to speak about my situation and the truth. I have been fighting criminal charges of endangerment of a firearm and assault in another state while working as a nurse since January. I was arrested with a 5,000 bond reduced to 2,500. I was released on bond and fought the case from my home state. The only evidence I had was pictures of my hands and face because she cut me with a knife Statements from 2 co workers who seen what took place the day before. After 2 court dates. I went to get insight on what was going on with the case. And through a reading I found out Wiccan and Santa Muerte was being done on me and the case. I immediately upgraded my protection and did 5th Pentacle of Mercury on a monthly basis. Then I did a 3rd Pentacle of Saturn and 6th Pentacle of Mars. Spinning the block back on them Wiccan and Santa Muerte devotees causing them sickness and returning the chaos back to them. The prosecutor wanted me to take a lesser charge and got sick for one of the court dates. So I ordered Unhex and Supreme Law. While waiting on my candles I continued to do my 5th Pentacle of Mars. With the retrograde my candles arrived last week and I burned my unhex on Saturday and Sunday. Then I burned my Supreme Law candle on Monday. My court date was this Tuesday morning on 9/3 my lawyer contacted me this morning telling me all charges were dropped and dismissed against me. I praise God, I praise Supreme Law, I praise Lala. Auntie Lala you hold a very special place in my heart😘😘😘
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That is wonderful and I am so glad it turned out well for you.
I love that for you! I’m glad it worked out. Her court candle has worked for me before. No doubt at all.
Also, congratulations on your victory. Did your candle have a scent? Mines came without a scent. I’m used to all of Lala‘s candles having a scent.
Quick question I received my supreme law candle, and my blood wealth candle. I remember when I ordered the blood wealth in the past it had oil in it both supreme law and blood wealth don’t seem to have oil coated in them. Was supreme law like a plain candle.?
At this point… We really need to manifest and conjure a way to have OUR OWN HOSPITALS! Funded by OUR OWN PEOPLE! The more and more I learn of these low life and jealous “other” women taking advantage of OUR hardworking sisters in the medical field and being negligent with our family on a grand scale… the more I get infuriated about the whole medical system! It’s biased, racist, and disturbing people working in these positions. We as a people need to HEAL and get our coins together and make it happen! 🥺✨🫶🏾🔥
yay happy for you i bought two supreme law because you never know
Now THAT is a testimony! I wish I had worked this hard when I was up against some folks from a previous contract. I was able to get some things removed from a reprimand agreement when they wouldn't budge after I lit my Court candle. I reprimand is also the lowest discipline the board gives but it was still really unfair. I also wore court oil when speaking with the board representative so I do think that helped. Mean girls club capitalized on simple errors made with scanning meds and could only find 4 instances where I didn't scan off a controlled substance and they were random - meaning there was no pattern of me taking them. The lawyer I talked to said it was petty and automatically was like "who did you piss off?" Just some prejudice evil women lol. But anyway, I definitely believe that if I had not used Court Oil and the candle, it could have been worse. I've heard of RNs on probation and being monitored for not scanning amlodipine. I just have to pay a fine and do CEUs.
You did the damn thing though! Protect yourself and your livelihood at all costs because these people want to see you at your lowest. Congratulations on that victory.
Ayyyyy let’s goooooo that’s lit 🔥 congrats 🍾🎊🎈 it’s a celebration.
🥳 This is AMAZING! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 I’m so glad I ordered that candle to have in my stash! 😂 I love your consistency and layering your work! Thats where the best results come in. 💯
Amazing 👏
Congratulations 🍾🎊
Congratulations 🎉🍾🎊