I just conjured with the 4th pentacle of Venus this afternoon. Yes I know that today is Mars’ day but I got a feeling to do it today. I did pay respect to Mars and thanked the planet and spirits for letting me conjure on their day. If I have enough of the candle left I will relight it again on Friday. It looks like it’ll be finished by tonight though.
I couldn’t use the frankincense resin due to my living situation but I found charcoal incense sticks in the scent of frankincense and pure frankincense resin oil. When I lit the incense I talked to the spirits for a little. I told them thank you for answering to me and told them about my frankincense situation in hopes that it’ll be enough for them. I also left the frankincense resin out for them as an offering along with the water. I also apologized to them about my previous conjure work because I don’t think I conjured correctly. Then I continued with the seal activation and conjure.
I repeated my incantation multiple times until I felt it was okay to stop and then said the last part of the incantation that was shown in the book. I then released the spirits and gave thanks for hearing me and working with me.
Before I conjured I was very anxious but now that I finished and conjured correctly I feel that the spirits have my back and will take care of me. I still get a little anxious but I always say in my head that I’m okay and to stop worrying. I am now resting easy and waiting my 6 hours for the candle to finish burning.
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Having trust and faith
Having trust and faith
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