So I burned my last candle out of 4. Obsession was the last one before that my ex and I was so close talked everyday even saw each other. Than I burned obsession and she has totally disappeared stopped all communication. We even saw each other before I burned it. There was no blockage the flame danced all night high and bright white smoke. I dont understand.
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@Shelkera Gordon after I did rekindle my hubby n I argued so bad. I was fighting about stuff from 10 years ago.. it might be clearing a way to allow it to be perfect. May e she's clearing out old yucky feelings of hate and anger from things. People suppress so much. This might be needed to get the happily ever after.
Movement can take 3 days, 3 weeks, or even 3 months. Trust spirit
Question...when you lit your obsession candle did you chant for your SO to be obsessed with touching, loving, kissing, being around and calling you?
Get a consultation with LaLa
Maybe u should try Papa Legba to open the doors to the spirit world.
Not to mention i did rekindle sweetening and halo before this waited until I saw my target and did obsession. Now she just stopped talking.
How many hours did you burn it
Give the candle time to work luv, just be patient. I know its hard. Believe and the spirits will work itself out
I just burned obsession day before yesterday.
How long ago did you burn it