Ok… I may have gone over board with the closing out sale. I was trying to purchase something to keep my items in. Well let’s just say it didn’t hold up too good. I also have 4 boxes of stuff and roughly 5-6 more orders.
What are you guys using to storage your candles?
I had to clean off 3 shelves in my linen cabinet, and two of my dresser drawers!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I definitely need more storage space, myself. Yall have great ideas. I have two dressers in my spare room filled with conjure items and storage drawers.
I use a Steamer trunk.
I stocked it up with candles,books,oils, and other spiritual stuff I have..I love it I can't wait to upgrade it with lights up above or inside..It's in my room so no one sees it & if I want to cover it I'll just black it out with a sheet.
I use a foot locker
This is what I use because I have hundreds of candles and it works well for me.
Book shelf
I store hoodoo candles under my bed and conjure/voodoo go in a cupboard
I have Rubbermaid storage bin not like the one picture but the long one with the top on it