Hi, I am very new and do not want to do anything wrong or bother anyone. My brother is addicted to drugs in order to mask his unhappy life. I know he is harming himself and will not admit To the addiction. I want to help him but he can’t do a candle in his home or work. what can I do to stop this addiction and help him get his own personality back. He wants out of his marriage where he’s neglected abused and used for the money. his workers abuse him and Rob him he has no self esteem or confidence. should I pay to have the candle done?
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Would I start with a healing first as I know I read that ? Follow it with the other candles? Do you think having an experienced person do the work with me being so new and only learning it’s a situation very close to my heart and has changed this persons personality beyond belief and let alone at times I feel his wife had work done to change him as well to take his family out of his life