I haven’t used this candle but as far as unhexing after it is my understanding that you will need to do so. And in another post someone was also “worried” that the in-hex candle would affect previous unrelated works. My perspective is that you won’t have any good fortune if you have the energy of a Hex on you. So it makes sense to follow through with the Un-hex. 2ndly many posts state that you may chant not to remove any previous prosperity works. Lastly you could certainly message folks who have used the candle directly for their feedback. Search: 6th Pentacle of Saturn, Hex, 6 POS
I seen a post recently where it looked like there was a soul tie that impacted him also but once they did the unhex and protection work afterwards they seemed fine :)
I have and I have been experiencing weird shit. I posted 3 weeks ago but didn’t really get the feedback I needed, I’ve been reading everyone’s post and something doesn’t add up. Anywho since it’s still in the process of developing I’ve already protected myself last week I burned halo/Mars this week I’ll be burning healing cause that juju lingers.. tbh I don’t think I’ll ever touch that candle again. But I don’t regret it cause that person has played with me one too many times.
Before any work protection I did a couple of the Mars candles. Last week I did the Mars/ halo, from what I’ve read if you do unhex it’ll remove all other work including the hex. However I do believe that when la la made this revamped hex you no longer have to do unhex . Tbh all the post are confusing, the only thing I can say is protection is the key and don’t let it get to your head just set it and forget it the less time you spend thinking about it the better results. I follow ife she is very knowledgeable!
I haven't. There is not a ton of posts that I've seen on Hex do to the nature of the candle. Protection is key, although with not having any regrets on what you are doing to the target and their blood lines. But there is some info, try search!!!
I haven’t used this candle but as far as unhexing after it is my understanding that you will need to do so. And in another post someone was also “worried” that the in-hex candle would affect previous unrelated works. My perspective is that you won’t have any good fortune if you have the energy of a Hex on you. So it makes sense to follow through with the Un-hex. 2ndly many posts state that you may chant not to remove any previous prosperity works. Lastly you could certainly message folks who have used the candle directly for their feedback. Search: 6th Pentacle of Saturn, Hex, 6 POS
If you have a question that isn’t answered in the forum you can tag her in the post. If/when she’s available she’ll respond.
I seen a post recently where it looked like there was a soul tie that impacted him also but once they did the unhex and protection work afterwards they seemed fine :)
I have and I have been experiencing weird shit. I posted 3 weeks ago but didn’t really get the feedback I needed, I’ve been reading everyone’s post and something doesn’t add up. Anywho since it’s still in the process of developing I’ve already protected myself last week I burned halo/Mars this week I’ll be burning healing cause that juju lingers.. tbh I don’t think I’ll ever touch that candle again. But I don’t regret it cause that person has played with me one too many times.
I haven't. There is not a ton of posts that I've seen on Hex do to the nature of the candle. Protection is key, although with not having any regrets on what you are doing to the target and their blood lines. But there is some info, try search!!!