Here's a you think its possible to be hexed ONLY in the area of love? I swear I haven't had a good relationship since I was in high school. I'm 43 now. Or is it possible that this is my karma from a past life? I always wonder that, like I must have been a horrible partner in past lives. Just something I'm thinking about.
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You made me think twice as well because all of the women on my mother‘s side all had horrible and even narcissistic mates, even down to myself. 🤔
I agree with the above convo. But it could be the other as well. When I was coming up we were told that there was a women who put a hex on my great granny, but she also cursed all of the women as well. It wasn’t till I got older that really believed it bc ALL of the women in my family has had terrible experiences when it came love and matters of the heart, including myself. Just recently I found out that one of my younger cousins (who also heard about this curse coming up) went to a hoodoo doctor that confirmed everything. Ironically before I was told that, I had already done an unhex candle and protection over the family due to this curse. I’m still observing everything from all the work I have put in. I will soon make a long testimonial post.
I have to do my birth chart again. I can't remember what time I was born and my bc is so faded it doesn't show anymore.
Interesting question. Could be. Do you know where your south node is in your astrology birth chart? It can give some clues as to how you may have lived your past life. We all bring qualities of previous past life into this life. I say this all the time: your astrology chart is your life map!