Disclaimer: I didn’t even light a halo before this! I’ve been dating someone since October and the first few months were ridiculous and toxic Two weeks ago I lit the sweetening candle and followed the directions to the T. Ever since, it’s been manifesting like wildfire. He literally took off work and responsibilities to come take care of me when I was not having a good mental health day. He texts me the sweetest things just randomly. He’s thinking about me, he loves me. He even said I love you when hanging up the phone . This seems like simple stuff but this is someone who does not allow himself to be seen in such a vulnerable light. Now: obsession ! I was nervous about this one! I lit it yesterday at noon and let it burn until the next day at 7:30 am ! I chanted my obsession until I was in a trance!! “ Obsessed with me, obsessed with loving me, obsessed with desire for me, obsessed with sleeping next to me at night, cannot sleep without me, obsessed with being with me physically all the time” Today we had a fight and I ignored him for a bit because honestly I wasn’t in the mood. He calls me frantically. Eventually says “ I can’t sleep without you. I don’t like saying stuff like that because I don’t like feeling weak but when you left yesterday I woke up and just really wished you were there.” Like shiiiit i would never in 10000000 years UGH I CANT WAIT to order more 🥰
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Do you mind sharing what you chanted for the Sweetening candle?
🙏🙌❤️Good you go girl
Yes! Come through spirits!
Damn!! I’m too giddy for you! The power of that chant has him consumed!
Good for you! Im glad you're getting such quick results! Keep manifesting boo!