I know LALA has talked about knowing our history as Africans (Yoruba folktale) but how do we know who to offer our altars to ? Respectfully ? (I have lots of questions) lol
Get initiated. You have to build a relationship with your ancestors and your Ori (head) first. Once you are initiated in a religion (Ifa, Santeria or Palo), your godfather or godmother can give you a reading usually with Obi to find out your crown.
Unknown member
Apr 18, 2020
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@Amethyst Expressions how do I go about that ? I had a babalowa (ifa) tell me my Orishas was oshun but i think it was just a scam so idk 😐
It is. Don’t trust that. If the path is meant for you, the right people will show up. Or you can speak with someone that practices. Most people that own a botanica is connect to a house. That’s a good place to get information or get started in the process. A real babalowa will never just tell you who your crown is without the proper initiation and ceremonies. My apologies for the long message.
Get initiated. You have to build a relationship with your ancestors and your Ori (head) first. Once you are initiated in a religion (Ifa, Santeria or Palo), your godfather or godmother can give you a reading usually with Obi to find out your crown.