Halo( to cleanse)Healing( to heal and get right with ones self)Then rekindlePower (for strength and confidence)Then you'll be ready for all the good fortune. (Light GF)Then protect it all with mars.Blessed be your journey!!!
I’m new to this too but after reading other posts and watching Lala and her daughters faithfully, I’d say the order you listed the candles in should be fine. I know you are supposed to always use Halo first. Mars should be good to help you protect the peace from Halo. I think that orders is dope!
thank you❤️🙏🏻
Halo( to cleanse) Healing( to heal and get right with ones self) Then rekindle Power (for strength and confidence) Then you'll be ready for all the good fortune. (Light GF) Then protect it all with mars. Blessed be your journey!!!
I’m new to this too but after reading other posts and watching Lala and her daughters faithfully, I’d say the order you listed the candles in should be fine. I know you are supposed to always use Halo first. Mars should be good to help you protect the peace from Halo. I think that orders is dope!