So 666,999 means your thoughts are negative or all over the place. Negative thoughts cause blockages in manifesting. These numbers are angels and your spirit guides communicating with you. But the 111 and 333 are good. There are actually hundreds of angel number but people mostly see the double, triple and quadruple same numbers… anyways maybe burn a candle like 4pomoon, Crossroads, Halo, and or 1posun and ask that negative thinking and entities be removed from you. And there are manifestation videos Youtube.. my numbers change weekly but if i see 666, 55 or something i change my thought process right then. Because same way we have the power to manifest good .. we can manifest bad too. Good luck
Me too… this past few days its amazing i see this numbers frequently. I feel blessed and positive. I only burn 2 candles for love and they both working perfectly.
Just go with the flow and let the spirit, your spirit guides/angels lead you down the path you're suppose to go. Remember the spirit and our ancestors knows what's best for us and where we need to go in life.
So 666,999 means your thoughts are negative or all over the place. Negative thoughts cause blockages in manifesting. These numbers are angels and your spirit guides communicating with you. But the 111 and 333 are good. There are actually hundreds of angel number but people mostly see the double, triple and quadruple same numbers… anyways maybe burn a candle like 4pomoon, Crossroads, Halo, and or 1posun and ask that negative thinking and entities be removed from you. And there are manifestation videos Youtube.. my numbers change weekly but if i see 666, 55 or something i change my thought process right then. Because same way we have the power to manifest good .. we can manifest bad too. Good luck
Me too… this past few days its amazing i see this numbers frequently. I feel blessed and positive. I only burn 2 candles for love and they both working perfectly.
Just go with the flow and let the spirit, your spirit guides/angels lead you down the path you're suppose to go. Remember the spirit and our ancestors knows what's best for us and where we need to go in life.
Why go crazy? That means your blessings are coming and to keep going.