OK I need advice my grandmother is being taken advantage of by my brother who doesn’t work, talks to her crazy and how now has his gf trying to move in....I want them OUT!!! I want to purchase my grandma a Halo/Mars bundle but she is SUPER religious and is against anything different but I REALLY want to help because it has gotten to the point that she doesn’t feel safe in her own home and has been living with my aunts 😔 I made some fiery wall (Lala’s recipe) just wanting on them to be away from her house smh What would you guys do? What candles? Or Eriss? I was thinking of getting her the Power eriss so maybe she would speak up more
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U might need to do some banishing spells for her ,and u can sprinkle the fiery wall at her front door and in common areas of her home where he goes, I don’t think buying the candles for her will work if she’s against them and their power, they prob won’t work off of your intention ,but only hers since it’s her space u know? But the spells might, just a thought
You probably need to schedule a consult with Lala. She discontinued the banishing spell in December but could probably recommend something.