This girl put black magic on me and my bf causing us to separate as if we're strangest we were just planning marriage etc I found out through a reader even though I always suspected the girl to be evil she's still stalking and harrassing me even though she's got him. She's controlling him beyond his will and I want to help him. He's never ever acted so distant towards me in our 25 plus years being friends he begged me to date me and I guess pursuing me over her caused her to do evil eye spell .. I heard lala could help but ion know where to start
@Big baby If that's true, you need to burn UNHEX for you and your bf. You will also want either STOP or WAR candles to counter what the other person is throwing towards you. Read the booklet while you wait for it to ship to you, it's free on the website and in the forum. STOP and WAR aren't in the booklet (I don't think) so just read the description and search the forum for what others have shared about it.
After you've done those, you'll need regular protection work and possibly healing work for your relationship. But start with the candles above. If you think you can't get any of those in time, you can sign up for Chaela's ceremonies on soulpurge (that's Lala's daughter).
In the mean time, use what you've got. Start praying. Light white candles. Ask your ancestors for help, truth, reversing the weapons, and protection. And try to find some peace because it'll take some time.
What do you need help with?