I won't hide that I am still a newbie with Lala's candles especially the conjure candles. Most of you probably know my situation but for those who don't, I am trying to get someone who has blocked me back in my life. I already used my 4pov candle and I've already seen some movement happening. I let go of a toxic friend, heard sounds relating to my target, and even had a dream with them involved. I would get bursts of excitement about my target coming to me and even some thoughts like, "I know my target is coming." "I feel my target is coming" etc... The thing that is kinda bugging me is my target having me blocked on Instagram and Snapchat (I'm not sure if he's blocked my number but it seems likely since he blocked my social media accounts). I do have other accounts on Instagram that he doesn't know about and I do check his page from time to time with the thought of following him on there. In my incantation and petition I said,"...that he unblocks me on social media and my number..."
I am feeling a little discouraged, especially with everything that is going on around me but I am trying my best to be positive about it. I guess my questions would be what candles should I get that will help get him to unblock me? Should I follow him on my other account and see what happens? Can I use Obsession to have him thinking of me?
I still have high hopes about the 4pov working, just looking for a little boost and some tips.
Thanks everyone.
Yea and also once you start chanting it's like he will automatically unblock you cause he will began to think about you. But dont stress it too much let the work work.
Chant for the things you want but chant them about you like the things about you that hes obsessing your smile because you (I) have a nice smile, hes obsessing about my sex because i give it to him the best etc etc. If this makes sense
Chant positive affirmations about yourself, EVERYTHING!!! the way you talk walk all things you love about you that makes you mad(obsessive)about you!!!!😍😍😍 etc. stay positive he might not have contacted you yet cause he making way 😉🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
You are checking wayyyyyyyyyyy too much. Trust your work. Give it time....BLOCK YOURSELF FROM CHECKING!! DO OTHER CANDLES RIGHT NOW like Healing on your relationship and Sweetening.