I recently adopted a kitten who is very playful and jumps on things alot, as a precaution I take her out of my room while I'm not home and let her roam the rest of the house so she doesnt mess with my alters, I conjured on Thursday and every since then weird things been happening. I put my work uniform on my kitchen table (which sits too high for my kitten to get on )yet it ended up on the floor one day. As of tonight I removed her from my room like always, before going to my late night job but when I get home and go in my room and open my door shes under my bed. I literally saw her on the couch before I left tonight, my bedroom door was closed and there is no holes in the walls no way for her to get in without someone letting her in yet when I just got home I opened the door and called her, I stood in the room waiting for her to enter and she came from under ther bed..... I'm trynna figure out wtf going on because I dismissed all spirits and her ass not suppose to be in the room because I dont want her to mess with my alters can someone maybe help me figure out why they keep letting this cat in. I always cleanse before conjuring with sage and the halo/healing/unhex candle
This is what my friend sent me and this is how I feel like my kitten be plotting on my alter 😑
One thing I know about Kittens is that there’s no mountain high enough for them. My cat once tried to drink the water I had out for my conjure. 😩 I wish I had a solution, but some things are unavoidable. I'd say don't worry too much about her and the alter unless poisonous herbs or candles are burning.
Just a different perspective, don't you want spirits in your house? If you have altars for them there's pretty much an open invitation from you, isn't it nice to know they feel comfortable in your home? It can be somewhat daunting seeing the reality of it, but you are also kind of asking for it. And cat and spirits usually have a connection like someone else said. I didn't get the vibe that you were scared of these spirits, as malicious spirits, if thats the case it'd different. But to me, I take those things as a good sign.
U don’t think it’s a trickster spirit do u
If you can get dragons blood herb and burn through your home