As I read alot of the posts in this forum, I see that alot of you ladies (and the few gents we have) are burning candles for love and return of the exes and to separate ppl so that they can be with you. Which is cool and all, and of course I'm not knocking anyone bcuz this has been going on for centuries, im sure. But I was thinking...I have a love interest that I believe is my twin flame, but we are in separation and non-speaking terms. I have done a spell on him once (this was pre-Lala and me just beginning my craft) and it actually worked. And although as excited as I was, it just never set well with me bcuz I felt that I manipulated someone's mind. I also heard that you have to continue these things to keep them bound to you. I later found out that someone else placed juju on him and used money as the main factor which had him treating me like I was nothing. And when I say heartbreak, that's EXACTLY what I experienced when he turned on me. I mean, I paid money to see about the destiny with this man and the last interaction I had with him, he told me he didnt care that I was in love with him and blocked me on social media. That was the LAST STRAW! I realized that it was a toxic relationship and he kept me in a 3rd party the whole time I dealt with him. So now, I'm picking up the pieces and moving on concentrating on loving me and healing more than ever bcuz I WILL NEVER deal in that type of energy EVER again! What trips me out is that every time I have a tarot/psychic reading, this mofo is in my energy and it NEVER fails! They always say, he's gonna come back around and try to reconcile things and this and that. The thing is, I dont even want him no more bcuz I dont even feel the same about him. While gaining myself, I've loss all respect for him. So even if he tried to get at me, I will turn away bcuz my soul is done and severed that soul tie. All I'm saying is, make sure the person is what you really want and see yourself with bcuz its MEANT to be and not bcuz of selfishness.
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Lanita have you tried Deadly Attraction... It brings more for the chosing..
It can help give insight.
My thing is this, as you can see, WOMEN have been doing this on MEN for centuries. Which entails that women hold power and men are weak. So for men to be so easily manipulated by a woman (and it can be thru sex magic or a woman's period blood, which I felt she used), you have to stand in YOUR power as the woman that YOU are. I know this is painful and confusing and all that. I sense you are still in love with your husband so I know you still want him. So if you do, then you're on the right path with these proven and successful candles. But I suggest that you do more self healing and self love which may mean for you to reverse psychology his ass and avoid ALL contact while spirit works on this for you. YOU avoid him and keep the kids from him too ( just until spirit's interaction is evidently working for you). Once that happens, her DARK magic will not have anymore effect on yall or him and he will start to see her for who she is. Now, the only way this can work is if you release the soul tie and cleanse your aura field EVERYDAY. It's called purging. You purge everything from removing his belongings and pictures from around you and the kids. In the meantime, still love him and still desire to be with him if you want, but you're getting rid of the old energy that he's in, cleansing, and then replenishing yourself with positivity. Remember, LOVE CONQUERS ALL. What you're doing is purifying the energies surrounding you and your home. And watch how karma is about to tear that ass up! (Her MORE THAN him bcuz her intentions are evil). Remember YOU hold the power! Get prepared for the spiritual journey that spirit is about to take you on. This is where FAITH is very important. You got this Empress, but you're gonna have to fight this battle with love.
@Sashasasha 💔heartbreaking!! Super sorry you going thru this!! & yes they better wake up! She will eventually pay for what she is doing, sad that a woman would want to hurt those kids tho! I’ll never respect women like that & I don’t care who don’t like it! It’s wrong to do all this to someone else’s man!! When I read on this forum about women buying these candles knowing damn well that man is married/in relationship it’s disgusting!! Heartless bitches!! You’d think they would actually want real love, that man doesn’t even love them, he loves the candles! HES UNDER A SPELL! & they still don’t care!! Like someone commented.. May god have mercy on their soul!! This world is crazy!! & im definitely upping my protection! .. sending you soooo much love Sasha!! 💗💓
No... you can have more than one soulmate but only 1 twin flame... thus the word "twin".
is a twin flame the same as a soul mate? Been told hubby is my soul mate..
Damn girl, how many fools have all ready been on here... not to seek or share knowledge....but ask for something they will never understand if there coming out like that... and I was told don't fuck with the spiritual world and that you know nothing about or willing to learn about except to harm others!!! That's just really wrong! And those who really know certain spiritual beings...knows that a big taboo in our world. So they need to stop playing Hollywood at this!!! This ain't no joke or reality show to those who are real here!
That's what I'm talking about girl, thank you for coming out as a victim! Most that do it don't see past their own greed to see they hurt more than they think! I'm sorry for you and knowing that their are those jerks in the world... that's why I to believe in protection first and foremost!! All the damn time, cause you never know who's against you and yours! Bless your beautiful soul on your journey and may the sender of un- bonafide Hexes get it back ×3! To everyone reading this, there's a time and reason for jinxing and don't just throw that shit out like Mardi gra beads....and when it comes to the spirit world ...that better be a justifiable reason or may the Gods have mercy upon you... theres a price in some form with everything we do so keep that in mine.
I heard that girl, that's why I'm trying to cleanse the hell out of my self. I believe the more I cleanse, the happier I will be once I finally meet, "that special someone". :)
Speaking of have anyone seen any movement from the "Forum Police" today?? I know she watching.
I didn't know we had a forum police.
Just because he's in the cards to come back, it still doesn't mean it's meant to be. You can either except or reject him and especially if you know he has motives.
Then inbox them rather than posting on here like it’s Facebook. That’s what I do.
I'm not trying to be disrespectful or go against the rules bcuz ppl want to be in love and its usually with someone they already have a soul tie with. But when toxicity is prevalent in a relationship, is it really worth going thru "magic" to get them back? Healing yourself and maybe even helping them heal, cool. But breaking them up and all...idk. I love this ancestral practice, dont get me wrong, but I feel when someone is genuinely yours and MEANT to be with you, the universe will make sure the timing and situation is right and all that. I'm was in love with a man that CHOSE to walk away from and have the nerves to treat me as if I did things wrong to him! I dont think about it on those terms daily (like I used to), but last night had me in my feels bcuz I keep being told he's coming back anyway. And when you're trying to heal, it's annoying knowing you're trying to get a reading for something else like prosperity and abundance and then you're told someone who caused your heart to ache will be coming back to you. I don't want to carry bitterness in my heart about it, so MY focus is to HEAL bcuz whatever energy WAS in my aura to attract this relationship (and others before him), I dont want anymore. But that is just ME though. When you're in love, you will do anything to be with that ONE. But then again, what if he's NOT the one? Then what? Love is still important. I'm just focusing it more on ME being the target and cleansing out all that past life gunk that has attached to me throughout my life bcuz when MY MAN comes to me, it will be bcuz he already knows WHO he's dealing with...his wife, his best friend, his lifetime partner!
This needed to be said. Cause alot of folks praying on others happiness and wondering why things are not working or backfiring on them. because if your heart not right with ill intentions it will backfire on you and spirit knows your heart, Can't stress that enough.
This isn’t what this space is for.
I swear every woman the day she births her child should get the natal chart reading. It gives their life start to finish. Likes dislikes.. attitude. How they feel loved. It's amazing how you can communicate even manipulate.... Message me if you want more into. We can discuss everything when your ready
I also do medical astrology.. give clues to watch out for certain things that the chart says might be problematic