Hi Conjurers! I have a very intense situation. I've been seeing a man for the past 3 years. It's been a roller coaster. The back story is I've known this person for close to 20 years. In the last year and a half this person has fallen apart. They lost their job of 15 years. I noticed severe mental health issues, mainly symptoms of bipolarism. They have fallen into abusing alcohol as a coping mechanism. I tried to push them to see a psychiatrist to get put on meds because of things I have witnessed. He isn't a bad person he has just lost their way. He was doing good there for a few going to AA and anger managment but was still not accepting he needed to be put on meds. When I had him convinced to see a doctor he had a panic attack and said he was not crazy and doesn't want to be locked in a padded room and then bailed on the appointment. Now he was just arrested for a DUI and he is looking at 2-7 years. His bail is $20k, the family and I don't have bail money. He went with a public defender, but they want him to plea out. Instead of bailing him out we would rather use the money for an attorney that will argue he needs therapy and forced rehab. He doesn't need jail he needs forced rehab and psychiatric treatment. He is scared and said he is locked up with a bunch of gang bangers. Even if they lock him up they will not be treating the underlying health problems that are making him make poor decisons or act erratic. In our culture it is hard to accept mental illness. Secondly, minorities with no money always get a bad rap. They are underrepresented in the legal system because they can't afford good legal assistance. He is set for pretrial this Friday. I lit halo weeks ago for him and I before all this happend. Things were ok. I'm stocked up on several candles. I need his case to be swayed in the direction of rehab and psychiatric treatment not jail. I have halo, court, road opener, in the house right now, i have another halo, mars, unhex, and papa legba on it's way in the mail. Please can anyone give me some guidance. I know he has fallen into a deep depression. Where he is locked up at they allow him to have a tablet for texting and visitation. No in person visits! He hasn't been responding to my texts much. His court date for pretrial is this Friday. Someone please guide me!!
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Edited: Feb 23, 2020
In desperate need of advice!!
In desperate need of advice!!
Comments (25)
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@Mahogany Pinx
I would start with Soul Purge.
Y'all are going to make me cry!! Ugh, a ball of emotions at the moment. Thanks for the support.
Research herbs that have an effect on the brain’s neurotransmitters. Also, for further research and info, look into neurogenesis. Side note for others reading: Herbs focused on neurogenesis also assist in dreaming (lucid dreaming), psychic abilities.
I messaged info that can help.
Trying to wrap my head around the advice about meds being a band aid? Or meds are not going to help. He's manic. I have a sister that is biploar when she finally accepted that she needed help she has actually accepted her disease, and has learned how to manage it. And she is a productive memeber of society. There is nothing wrong with having a disability and accepting help. When you're dealing with manic people they have the hardest time accepting it. I need court to go his way, his family wants him in rehab, and he needs to face his demons professionally. I have seen a high priestess in my culture she has done several cleansings, but was honest and said it will only go so far, cause his problems run deeper than spirituality based on her readings. She can cleanse him, but she said flat out he needed meds. Now she could've continued to take my money and lie to me, but she was honest. She said he has suffered head trauma from the years of playing football, his behavior with highs and lows, etc. She said flat out our culture isn't accepting when it comes to mental health. Mental health is real. If we don't stay woke on these issues, we get taken advantage of get thrown in jail, and then the real problem doesn't get addressed so they come out being a repeat offender when they are actually suffering from a mental break, and they were never really a criminal. Sorry if I'm rambling, but I'm very passionate about this. Yes, he's need a combination of spiritual help, but also need meds for bipolar mania. Until you've witness the highs and lows of someone who is manic you will understand the chemical imbalance in their brain is causing them to act out. And frankly it's quite scary. I appreciate all the suggestions. I will use what I have in the house. I just pray that the justice system does not see him as a criminal but someone who is suffering from mental illness.
Forgot to mention she has completed cleansing on him.
As a baby bruja- what have you done to help him/his soul- not his external situations-which are the external results of what’s going on in the spiritual realm?
A Soul Purge Healing Court 4th Mars or whichever is for war/battle
If i do use 5th pentacle first, any recommendations on what should be included in my altar? 5th pentacle has to be lit in Wednesday, court is this Friday, aren't I supposed to wait 3 days before burning another candle? Ugh, so confused? And if I light the court candle and recommendation for the altar that should be included?
Use your 5th pentacle of Mercury and then use your court to sway things to your favor...once that's done talk to him about getting help...you are right our people frown upon discussing in the open mental health illness and seeking help for it but putting him on medication right now in his state will not work... A lot of these medications are highly addictive and can cause more harm than good. If he is hesitant in going by himself offer to have a session with him to ease him into see a therapist and easing his fears.
Oh wow, I🙏🏽pray that everything works out for him, have you gotten the legal/ court candle yet?