I lit the candle monday night and today all of the sudden I hear a pop and this happened. Is it me or this is a sign that something is broken. Or am I looking to much into it and it was the glass was hot and it broke? The rest of the candle is fine that was only part that is broken.

You need to at least put a metal plate down to protect the glass from your candle from cracking. Lala mentions that in the book.
This almost always happens with my glass candles. I pretty much expect it. For this reason I don't just put my paper directly under the candle.
Okay thank you 😊
It overheated. That happens when you get to the end. Next time if it’s glass put it in water, or sand to keep it cool.
That's happened to be before... I read somewhere that LaLa said the glass can crack from the heat.... The second glass candle I lit I put it to sit in wet sand to keep it cool when it burns for over several hours