So I've got 6 individual candles ready to order on Tuesday, I've written out my chants for each candle ... But I've just come across the combined Obsession, Tether and Ahria candle.
How would I go about creating a chant for that kind of candle since their 3 different candles?
Can I get examples of how to put all 3 candles into one chant for my target!?
If you are not already in a good/ strong relationship I would not recommend the tether/ obsession/ ahari intense, it’s more for committed relationships. As far as the candle goes it’s spelled 1 on top on the other so you can either chant for one spell at a time probably around every 8 hours or so depending on how fast or slow it’s burning but you’ll have to find out the order they’re layered or simply combine the chant all together using all 3 words and wants in 1 chant.
The intense candles are only available for a limited time (probably will be gone at the end of this BOGO sale ... which I think ends tonight). If you're ordering on Tuesday, you miss the opportunity to buy one, get one free. Also, the chant wouldn't matter. In any case, with intense candles you chant for each spell in the candle.
There is a part in the book for the intense candles or combo candles you can try that (page 12)