Hey conjure family! it’s been a while. I think I started my journey here in September of 2020. it was a long emotional up and down roller coaster, but it was all worth it. I met( not physically yet) of the most amazing girls here who are my sisters! we bonded, laughed cried and guided each other throughout all of this. Love my Bad Ass Bruja’s ❤️❤️. As of January 2022, I got engaged, to the man I was working on!!!!We have a lot more work to do but we are in an amazing place and looking forward to planning our wedding! now it’s time to make the money for this wedding of his dreams. He’s bougie! thank you all who've helped me with chants and guidance. @Lala Inuti Ahari a HUGE thank you to you! I’m so very grateful For you, so happy I found you. Thank you for bringing me the two most amazing girls & my honey. I hope to see you at our wedding next year 🥰😘
gotta go light my layered candle now! Back to work🔥💰💵💰
Congratulations 🍾