I did Halo, Healing Legba, 5th pentacle of Mercury, GF, Erzulie and had some movement. I think I still have blockage, I haven't seen movement with GF. Halo and Healing was peaceful and calming, no worries and inner happiness. Legba was in charge, I had several seats burning him. Erzulie must be working her magic behind the scene. I did meet a very beautiful, patient, loving dark chocolate brother online. We haven't met in person yet as he is in another state, like 12 hours away driving. I'm totally hook and ready to up my game. I'll start burning some candles together at some point for better result. I was offered a position but they still haven't follow up with me regarding accommodations so I applied for another position with a different company for a job that I prefer over the other position and had a good rapport over the phone. I have an in person interview today (1/6). This is the position I truly want. I'm ready. :-) Also, I going to do some spell work with Chaela Bre asap.
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Interview went well. I wasn't prepared to be interviewed by three people at once. I wished I was more confident. Oh well. We'll see what happens.