Hello you guys!!!! So I've been waiting for my Halo And Mars candle to get here. So Today while at work I was tracking my package and it finally arrived at the front door you know I was hella excited. I took a break from lighting good fortune when I found out I was lighting the candles in the wrong order. As soon as I got home my. Roommate brought my package in for me when I got home I cleaned the area. Washed my hands like the books says to do and as I'm saying my chant my little puppy kept trying to distract me from saying my chant I stayed focused with the help from my girlfriend I finished and LOOK it's so beautiful 😳😩ðŸ˜

Can anyone explain, so I should be ordering halo before getting good fortune? Because I ordered good fortune first. Can someone explain
The best ever is tracking your package!! 🤣 looks beautiful 💕
Don't forget the glass of water
Love Halo 💜🕯💫