I really have thought about doing love work cause im out here, single, free, emotionally mental and financially stable now, so im ready. Even though i will light a few candles to attract men, i am not really interested in using them to keep him or make him commit to me. It‘s usual the smallest reasons i say no and spirit usually shows me he isn’t for me anyway. Not to offend anyone but i just dont want a man that i need candles to get and to keep. When we have fights and small things yes but for the whole relationship??? No thank you!
With those who are in relationships, what are your opinions on love work to get the relationship and man? Married ppl also… help me out. Am I being too picky?
I've had love work done on me that backfired for the worker, made me physically very sick for a long time, and I felt violated like a mf when I found out-- so it's a no for me.
We will be breaking a persons free will. We can't break a person free will
Alot of times , we forced a certain people to be with us. Sometimes we need new love
Love worked for me.
I hope my opinion doesn't come out too strong but is the same thing target or general attention
lighting candles to attract men is the same as if you used on a target. without candle burning you probably will not get any since you are here trying to get men to notice you.
all situations are different and results are the same for specific target or in general
Whew I feel this post. I’m lazy, picky and I want it all or nothing at all. I agree, I wouldn’t want a man I had to keep burning candles on in order to “keep” him. I’m hoping there’s some good answers and advice on here for us single ladies ✨
Honey i came a long way but even before i healed, i have had an ask me to do love work on him and i just couldn’t. Didnt want to and still don’t. I dont even buy them for me.
Put it on you, you don't have to force anybody's anything.
I am the same way. I will do something to bring in true love. I will do truth candle or candle to shed light on a relationship. I will do unhex, halo, heal, crossroads and protection like I would myself and my children. Maybe sweetening after a huge argument. I don't want a Man I have to force to want me or force him to treat me right.. I have seen and heard too many doing it and it ends disastrous.