Hi I’ve been doing some love work recently, I booked the black pullet love & black pullet remove barriers, I’ve booked the L’amour blood rite for Feb, and did Divine 9. I’ve also been layering candles and so far I’ve used intense halo/healing/unhex, crossroads, Mars, Sweetening, intense fidelity/rekindle/L’amour, intense sweetening/DA/Ahari. I have other candles that I also intend to use.
I’m wondering if separation is normal in this instance? He tends to get scared when he gets too close and once again he’s gone. I picked up Still or Still/halo incase he did start to get anxious again and I’m curious if I should plan to burn that next? Thanks!
I agree with @Septima best to get a reading to see his intentions and whether all this money and effort on candles are worth it. If someone keeps running away when they start getting close it usually means they're emotionally unavailable and need to grow