My bf just broke up with me yesterday said there was nothing wrong with our relationship but that he was just over it and it ran it’s course and wants to be friends. I want this to work out. Should I buy the lovers return bundle?
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I would do unhex/soul purge/soul tie ceremony and some healing for myself. Then start on love work for myself. He will try to come back whether you do something or not. I think you should invest in yourself first. Who knows someone better is on the way and your spirits probably just made your ex leave so that you can meet someone better.
Take care of you first! This is a great time to release those emotions. Write a letter and burn it, cry if you need to. Healing is the only thing needed at this time. Then if you feel need to look over why you want him later and work on it. For now just release and heal
Light that Halo for the negativity..raise the vibrations. Then light Healing for self love and see if he’s a problem first and a blockage to what you deserve in a man before you proceed to the lovers return.
Take some time before you purchased anything. Get your mind right. Take a bath relax give thanks cause regardless we should be thankful anyway. Sit with it than release it. Don't stress over the break up. Don't stress at all. After your shower speak positive affirmations over you dance, shit you can even masturbate😂😂 whatever will keep your energy and vibration high and Happy. Especially on this blue moon🤞🏽🗣take advantage
I would try that. Or one of Tina’s rituals. She has a sale going on. You can try the intense butterfly ritual. If you so purchase the candles. You’ll need unhex( if you feel you’ve been hexed but it doesn’t hurt to do it) then halo, healing, crossroads then start on the bundle. If you think there is someone else. Do 4th Pentacle of Saturn to remove anyone he is emotionally or sexually attracted to, EXCEPT FOR YOU! Then do you bundle. Make sure you get Mars as well because you’ll need to protect your work