I’ve seen quite a few post of concerns about low flames. Don’t be alarmed. As you can see my flame was low and looked as if it was going to go out. But I trust my powers! The candle ended up burning beautifully, dancing, crackling etc. So the candle was lit on the 17th and finished burning on the 18th. I received a call on the 21st from a company to set up a phone interview which was the following day. After the phone interview, the HR lady placed me on hold for about 4 minutes and came back to advance me to the next interview stage. I go in for their testing next Thursday and provided that goes well I’ll interview with a supervisor & could be offer a job on the spot so they asked that I ensure I bring certain identification to fill out new hire paperwork if offered & I accept. Mind you I lost my job of 16 years, 16 months ago. This is only the beginning of the opportunities flooding my way. Asé
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This made me feel better 💚
congrats love! many blessings to you!
I remember burning my Good Fortune candle months ago and I had a low flame. I thought nothing would happen. I was worried too because i'm so used to a powerful flame from Lala's Candles lol! But I did get a text that day of from my brother offering me $50. But I still think I have to do cleansings and removing my personal blockages to get the results I truly desire. I really want an amazing full time job this year. I deserve it. So my next Good Fortune candle, I don't worry or my future candles too.
Hooray Happy For You May The Blessings Continue To Flow Your Way 🙏💫🌟⚡
Thank you 🙏🏾
Congratulations So happy for you!
I'm so excited now when I have low blue.. it's like thank you,thank you cause it's coming.. I was nervous the first time..
Asé 💜