I have actually found that the last few times I’ve given Spirit some wine and a shot glass of honey along with the water I feel like my vibes are higher. The last two times I’ve done that I saw really quick results. I guess Spirit likes wine like the rest of us Queens. 😂
This is so pretty.
So beautiful esp the tree. Where did u get those please
Beautiful! I would put the wine glass a little bit further just to be safe. Alcohol and fire don’t mix 😉
Wow wine and honey hmmm Chile l got to try this oooh PRICELESS!
I have actually found that the last few times I’ve given Spirit some wine and a shot glass of honey along with the water I feel like my vibes are higher. The last two times I’ve done that I saw really quick results. I guess Spirit likes wine like the rest of us Queens. 😂
L’chaim (to life in Hebrew)
Lol That’s A Great Idea Thanks Love Ur Setup 💜💛💜
Cheers 😂 !