Hey everyone, I’ve read in the booklet that its recommend that you devote yourself to a LWA can we only have one ? I’ve been leaning towards Erzulie Danto and Damballah Wedo. i understand that it can not be to Erzulie Freda and Erzulie Dantor as they are arch enemies. I’m just wondering if i can devote myself to two LWA’s and if i can’t how will i know which LWA is for me.
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Yes, you can be devoted to more than 1 lwa.
Hello! First you must start off with Papa Legba and ask his permission to work with and communicate with any Lwa. You can participate in Lala Papa Legba rite and in your petition ask him or you can purchase his candle. Goodluck! I love Papa Legba he is a loving Lwa of Vodou