Hey everyone I’m new here, greetings! Waiting on my order now not sure if I bought what’s needed for starters so I’m asking if my choice was right or not!? I bought the manifest and prosper but should I have bought something other than those two first to being with?
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@LaMont Marshall Link to Lala’s book: http://9925f9cd-c6a6-4ec8-b865-701c098834c8.usrfiles.com/ugd/9925f9_f6ebf19bd7304fbd8425ba8d295acd11.pdf
Listen to the nurse kina Because I forgot about Unhex 1st since you are new to this!
Haven’t used none before tbh, all new to me and I want it done right and strong not half way and weak or lazy should I say.
Unhex first if you have never used it, because you just never know, Halo, Healing, Mars then any road opener like Crossroads or 5th Pentacle of Mercury
One will come with your candles but if you want to read it before hand you can download it off the website
Always with Halo
Those should have been the first two I start with?
Halo & Crossroads