I received my Halo candle and immediately set it up. I cleansed my space with a sage candle due to my daughter having asthma. I wrote my and her names on the candle and chanted what I wanted Halo to do for me and my household.... My daughter who usually whines and cries a lot, bumps, jumps, and does everything imaginable 🙄 (she’s 6) during these past 4 or 5 days has been very calm, and very agreeable. No crying , arguing and no whining. Waking up wanting to get ready for school... HAPPY. Playing alone a lot and not as clingy as she usually is. For myself, I have not yelled or cursed at anyone or gotten mad in days. I’m actually proud of myself. I feel at peace and laid back. Not worried about anything. Genuinely calm. I came home to the candle glass burned and cracked, melted through the plate it was on, and almost through the table. Lol, however, I put the pieces in a ziplock bag and I’m going to bury it in my garden out front. Glad I could share this positive experience. I’ll update you all on my next experience with DA or obsession. I haven’t decided yet. 🙃🤔

Thank you ladies ♥️
I love it. My candle is a bit different. It doesn’t have that label in front is in the bottom
Absolutely beautiful!💙
Beautiful 😍