I burned lalas candle last night and for some reason ever since I burned it last night I been having very bad headache. I burned it again and my head started pounding again. Why??? Please help
What you’re feeling is normal it means it’s removing the negativity off, basically it’s working
Unknown member
May 01, 2020
The only candle that does that is the Unhex. For me I had a bad headache, I felt drained, weakness, nauseated, sick, dizzy, lightheaded no energy at all. Afterwards I felt better than before.
But also maybe relkindle is purging some things out of you which is normal. But usually people experience that with unhex and or halo
Since you are burning rekindle it could be the scent of the candle ...
With Halo I had only a headache
@Farjana Sima what candle did u burn
I felt this way when I burned Halo
What you’re feeling is normal it means it’s removing the negativity off, basically it’s working
What you’re feeling is normal it means it’s removing the negativity off, basically it’s working
The only candle that does that is the Unhex. For me I had a bad headache, I felt drained, weakness, nauseated, sick, dizzy, lightheaded no energy at all. Afterwards I felt better than before.