My man has been broken up from his ex-girlfriend for a year. We have been dating 3 months and been having the time of our lives. As soon as we made our relationship public on social media, here comes the ex calling wanting to "fix" things with him. Now he's talking about he think he may still love her after a year of literally not speaking and her slandering his name. He says he was confused, because he loves me but he thinks she may still have his heart. Now he wants me to get my few belongings I left at his house because he is thinking about giving her a second chance to see where it goes.
What candles should I use and in what order? Please Help, I will not let this heffa get MY man
I would use halo first then rekindle ,then stop ,fidelity and Mars to protect the relationship.
Maybe a lil domination also !!
Get your man girl !!!!!!!!!!
This is the exact reason why I keep my relationship status out of social media. Unbelievable I’m sorry you’re going through that.
This post made me giggle a lil because I know this all to well …. But lucky for us both we have lalas candles and products …. Highly suggest my fav 1st pentacle of Saturn (control that mind and the heart will follow ) , lamour (control that heart and the mind will follow ) , deadly atttraction (make him only attracted to u ) , fidelity (make him only have eyes for you ) , stfu candle (make the ex stop talking to him ) , Mars protect the relationship )