Hey ya, So I need someone's expertise advice on a an something.
My bf of 5 yrs is a good, honest loyal laid back type of guy...but sometimes he does shyt that irritates me and has me thinking if I want to continue on with this relationship.
He does certain things like books his birthday trips without asking me what my schedule is like and goes by himself....i have MANY of auntie's candles/oils/altars ....what should i burn/use that would have almost immediate results to have this man tone his selfish ways down a few notches and realize that I matter and exist in this relationship?
Fyi - i will post an update on what advice I get 😊
nip it in the butt ,cut it off. .burn truth if you have it, if the flaws are non negotiables for. you than just do love workon yourself and manifest divine love.